Do you use the power of why? Sharon EpsteinJuly 22, 2022cooperation from kids, kids cooperate, end arguments with kids, kids arguing, getting kids to do chores, get kids to listn, parenting101, parenting tips, parenting support
5 Downsides to Labeling Your Kids Sharon EpsteinMarch 17, 2022label kids, difficult child, stop labeling kids, effects of labelling kids, Parent Child Communication, parent child relationship, parenting101, parenting, parenting mistakes
Is Your Parenting Too Tough, Too Soft or Just Right? Sharon EpsteinOctober 19, 2021authoritative parenting, close relationship with your kids, parenting101, Parent Child Communication, fighting with child
Is It Time To Stop Reminding? Sharon EpsteinMay 16, 2021disrespectful kids, kidsathome, doing chores, get kids to do chores, remindingkids, parenting101, Parent Child Communication, working parents, thereasontoremindyourkids