Instead of picking your battles, try this!

How often do you find yourself caught up in the familiar struggles of parenting?

Bedtime Battles

Mealtime Battles

Screen Time Battles

Homework Battles

Clothing Battles

Chore Battles


I've found myself feeling this way too, and I realized we're so easily conditioned to describe our challenges with our kids as "battles."

And not only to describe them this way, but to feel like we're in a battle of wills.

To feel there's a power struggle where there are winners and losers.

We know we should be the winners, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it.

We believe we should be able to convince our child get into bed, eat their food, get off their devices, do their homework, do their chores, stop fighting with their sibling, and start talking to us respectfully.

When that doesn't happen, we can worry we're not being respected.

We can start to doubt ourselves as parents and wonder what we're doing wrong, despite our very best intentions to help our kids grow up to be kind, caring, independent, respectful and resilient adults.

A common next step is to see our child as difficult, stubborn, selfish, uncooperative or bad.

In these moments, we can worry that something is wrong with our child.

Ever had any similar thoughts or feelings?

This is 100% normal human nature when we don't know how to resolve a conflict in a relationship that really matters to us.

When I encourage parents to look even deeper, what's always revealed is a deep love for their sweet child, and a strong desire for a closer and more loving relationship.

In my years of working with parents, I've found that the key isn't in picking battles but in understanding the root of the conflicts.

When we shift our focus from winning or losing to creating understanding, conflicts lose their power and the battlefield falls away.

The result?

More peace, more joy, and a relationship with your child that's built on love and respect.

Conflict is a normal part of all human relationships.

Conflict resolution is the part most of us have trouble with, because we've rarely been taught how or had a positive role model.

Conflict resolution is a skill that lasts a life time, and it's a skill I can help you develop.

If you're ready to experience more trust, respect, love, joy, and kindness in your relationship with your kids, I'm here to support you.

I offer a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation call where we can discuss your unique challenges. It's a safe space to share what's happening in your family, and I'll share how I can help you on your journey to a more peaceful, loving and joyful family.

Schedule your free consultation call here:

Here's to a parenting journey filled with understanding, connection, and joy!