The Secret To Forgiving Our Parenting Mistakes​


Alexander Pope wrote, "To Err is Human, to forgive divine."

He may have been talking about forgiving other people,but I believe it's just as important to forgive ourselves!

Carrying around doubt, guilt, and worry that we've done the wrong thing with our kids. or that we're not doing enough, is a heavy burden. It can cause us great stress and make us feel like our whole day is out of whack.

I speak from experience!

An unknown author wrote, “Help us to feel fully human … Even as we accept our failings, we can get better.”

Each of us is fully human. None of us is perfect. None of us ever will be. And that’s okay.

It’s normal to wish we were better at parenting.

It’s normal to wonder if we’re the only one struggling (No, you’re not!).

It’s normal to get frustrated with or down on ourselves for not getting it “right” or getting stuck in patterns we’re not sure how to get out of.

It’s normal to worry about our kids and if we’re doing our best to raise them to be kind, confident, well behaved, and resilient.

There is no such thing as a perfect parent.

Our worry and frustration simply mean we want to do better than we are right now.

Wanting to do better is the beginning of change.

We’re all a work in progress.

It’s a gift to give ourselves permission to make mistakes, take responsibility for them, and strive to improve.

Improvement is likely to come in small steps. Sometimes, we have to try more than once before we get better.

One of the gifts of parenthood is that you have many second chances.

If you didn’t react the way you meant to the first time, you can talk to your child later, apologize and try again.

Children appreciate our understanding and compassion even if it comes a little late. Our kids want us to get it right! They are grateful when we do, because they are reassured that we love them.

In apologizing and taking a second try, you’re also modeling for your children that they can do the same in their relationships. This is a wonderful and important lesson to teach. In fact, your kids might even apologize and ask you for a second chance one day soon!

As you think about your parenting:

1) What do you want to forgive yourself for as a parent?

2) What second chance would you like to take with your child?

3) What is the most important thing you want to learn about or improve on as a parent?

Take the Next Step

Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, and you don’t have to navigate it alone. Every parent deserves guidance tailored to their unique needs. Here are some ways I can support your journey:

1) Get free parenting tips - Click HERE for valuable advice tailored to real-life parenting challenges.

2) Explore parenting classes - Click HERE to discover classes designed to empower and inspire you.

3) Schedule a free, confidential consultation - Click HERE to connect for a one-on-one conversation about your family. 

I believe every family deserves guidance that honors your individual needs, and I’m passionate about helping parents find practical, meaningful solutions that help their family thrive. Let’s work together to create positive and lasting changes for your family.